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Mononoke Hime Trailer Gallery

[email protected]

This gallery contains pictures which I have taken from the Princess Mononoke Official Trailer, found on the official page.

Name of Picture...
Description of Picture...
mov01.jpg San and Ashitaka about to hug.
mov02.jpg Another of San and Ashitaka about to hug.
mov03.jpg The warriors who come with Jinkbou to fight against the Gods.
mov04.jpg Okkotonushi calling all the boars to battle.
mov05.jpg San, Moro, and Moro no Ko in the bushes.
mov06.jpg Ashitaka riding Yakkul.
mov07.jpg Eboshi Gozen and her warriors fighting.
mov08.jpg The Princess Mononoke (San) fighting.
mov09.jpg Ashitaka and Yakkul about to jump into the water.
mov10.jpg Okkotonushi running through the burning forest.
mov11.jpg Ashitaka walking out on the stone platform.
mov12.jpg The Shishi Gami.

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