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Mononoke Hime Picture Gallery
Page Two


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Mononoke26.jpg A scene of the wall and trail found near the beginning of the film.
Mononoke27.jpg San holding one of Moro no Ko back.
Mononoke28.jpg Eboshi Gozen.
Mononoke29.jpg Scene of a smoking villiage in the distance.
Mononoke30.jpg Eboshi Gozen holding gun.
Mononoke31.jpg Women who push the foot bellows.
Mononoke32.jpg Toki.
Mononoke33.jpg San and one of Moro no Ko assaulting Tatara.
Mononoke34.jpg Overhead scene of Tatara at night.
Mononoke35.jpg Scene of Tatara during the day.
Mononoke36.jpg Forest with small stream.
Mononoke37.jpg Path alongside a river ouside a villiage.
Mononoke38.jpg Jikobou.
Mononoke39.jpg Ashitaka and Jikobou sitting around a campfire eating.
Mononoke40.jpg Treetrunk and undergrowth.
Mononoke41.jpg Yakkul with a Kodamatachi on his back.
Mononoke42.jpg San and Yakkul standing over Ashitaka.
Mononoke43.jpg San kneeling over Ashitaka.
Mononoke44.jpg The Kodamatachi in trees.
Mononoke45.jpg Ashitaka looking back while riding Yakkul.
Mononoke46.jpg Close up of San while sleeping on the ground.
Mononoke47.jpg Ashitaka riding Yakkul in the woods.
Mononoke48.jpg Smoke coming from a villiage in the distance.
Mononoke49.jpg Overhead view of a villiage with people in the streets.
Mononoke50.jpg Waterfront scene.
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